T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

1 Day!

Lord, we ask that you go before us and begin to cultivate the culture within Devoted. We long to be a place that is safe for every woman to enter in as her authentic self. Holy Spirit, unify us in Spirit and in Truth. May we embrace the beauty of diversity, respecting the unique story that you have written out for each one of us. May we encourage one another and build each other up. May we walk in the light as you are in the light, and have sweet fellowship with one another. May we be known for our love and good works. May we not neglect to gather together and honor the commitment we have made. May we be DEVOTED to meeting with one another so that we may be built up and strengthened to go into all the world to declare the gospel to the lost and dying.

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T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

2 Days!

Holy Spirit we ask that you place in us a hunger and thirst for your Word. May we know that it holds a feast for our souls that will nourish us when we come expecting to meet with you. May we not be spiritually malnourished due to neglect of your Word. Help us to know that your word endures forever and the words contained with the Holy Scriptures will never pass away. Help us to value it for the treasure that it is. Remind us that your Word is living and active and not just words written by man but these are Words that are breathed out by You. Help us to grow in our Bible Literacy so that there is no opportunity for the devil to try and deceive us concerning your promises. Holy Spirit write your Word on our hearts and bring them to mind when we need them most. Help us to take up our sword and wield it with wisdom as we navigate the complexities of this life as we wait and hope for Jesus’ return.

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T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

3 Days!

Father, we ask that You give us hearts that exalt You. You are high and lifted up. You are worthy of all praise. Holy Spirit, we ask for Your leadership in Devoted. Help us to remember as coordinators, teachers and facilitators that we are to be like Jesus Christ, servants that have agreed to do the will of the Father. We get low so You Father can be lifted up. We submit to Your will for Devoted and not our own will. We pray asking You to rid us of pride, of striving, of complacency, of apathy, of complaining. We ask that if there is any evil or wicked motive, any self exalting thing in us that it be removed right now in the name of Jesus. We pray over every teaching and every small group discussion. May Devoted be a safe place for the Spirit of God to teach us. We denounce any form of boastfulness, recognizing that wisdom and knowledge and revelation can only come if the Father in Heaven has given it to us. Help us remember that we are called to edify one another, to speak with words that bring hope and change every time we gather.

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T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

4 Days!

Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, we come seeking You in spirit and truth. We recognize that real worship comes from the Spirit within and is rooted in the truth of who You are. We desire to worship You with our hearts and with our head. Head knowledge without the use of our hearts, without the power of the Spirit, will produce dead empty check lists of legalism. We need to feel You, we need to experience You God. As we approach Your Truth this year, I pray that our eyes are opened to who You are, and that our souls burn with desire to be in Your presence. Fill us with adoration, fear, reverence, trust, joy, gratitude and hope. Give us a deep desire to worship You in song, in study, and in service to one another.

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T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

5 Days!

Jesus, we thank you for justifying us in our standing with The Father. We shout Hallelujah! for the fact that we stand righteous in your sight because of your great sacrifice and the conquering of death at your resurrection. We thank you for making us righteous so we could be restored back into relationship with you. We praise you Jesus for coming and walking among us and being the model human that we are meant to image. You are the standard. You are the way. We thank you that after your ascension your gave us the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and direct us. We acknowledge that while we are declared righteous in your eyes, we still battle our flesh and sinful nature. Cleanse us by your Word as we take the time to learn what is good, beautiful, and true. Help us to crucify the flesh with its passions and desires and die to ourselves daily, confessing our sins to one another that we may be healed. Help us to live by the Spirit and keep in step with you Holy Spirit. Help us to reflect the image of Christ in this dark world so that all who you are drawing to yourself can see and experience your love working through us more clearly. Open our eyes to any sin that we may be participating in and harboring that is keeping us from walking fully in your will. Help us to rejoice always,  pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. Help us to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with you as our captain, Holy Spirit. Sanctify us. Help us to believe that you have began a good work in us and will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus. Amen.

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T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

6 Days!

Father, Romans is a book that dives deep into Gospel Truth. Father, you sent your Son to die for me. Jesus, You willingly came as the perfect sacrificial lamb, atoning for my sin. Holy Spirit, it is by Your power that I was born again and have the strength to live a new life in Christ. I was dead but the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ has given me new life. Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, thank you. God, please teach me new and wonderful things about the gift of salvation through this study. My desire is to be so excited about my salvation so that others will want to know You too!

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T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

7 Days!

Holy Spirit, we come asking you to work in our minds to bring clarity to any portion of the scriptures that we don’t understand. We ask that you set straight any wrong understanding or beliefs that we may have formed regarding your Word. Romans is a letter written to do that very thing for the people it was written to. We rebuke any lie that may be telling us the book of Romans is hard to grasp and process because we know that you, Holy Spirit, were given to us as a Gift to help us. You counsel us according to your Word. You encourage us with your Word. You teach us and bring understanding of Your Word. We acknowledge that the book of Romans is jam packed with doctrines and instructions that we will have to think deeply about, but we come boldly knowing that we will be prosperous in that work because YOU ARE WITH US. Bring clarity as we study and dive into Your Word so that we may worship you rightly in Spirit and in Truth. 

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T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

8 Days!

Holy Spirit help us to approach the Word of God rightly. May we remember that the Bible is Your story. It is a beautiful love story full of revelation about who You are and what You have set into motion. You created the world and all that is in it. You give an account for every part of Your redemptive plan throughout the written Word of God! May we believe wholeheartedly that Your Scripture is inerrant, sufficient and authoritative. Please put a new and deeper desire in us to know Your Word, divide it rightly and obey it.

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T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

9 Days!

God, we come boldly asking for you to pour out your wisdom! We come asking knowing you are faithful to give it to us when we acknowledge our great need! Make our ears attentive to wisdom and incline our hearts to understanding. We call out for insight and raise our voice for understanding. We seek it like treasure. We know you are the one from whom wisdom comes. Open our entire beings to receive wisdom as you faithfully pour it out in keeping with your promises. Help us to walk with integrity, Holy Spirit, according to your wisdom and keep the way of the righteous. (James 1:5, Proverbs 2)

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T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

10 Days!

Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, we recognize our need for Your provision for everything that we do. Help us to remember to prayerfully approach everyday. We invite You into every part of our lives. Let us be humbled that the God of the Universe wants to know us, sees us and wants to communicate with us in everything we do. As we journey into the book of Romans we ask you to teach us God. Give us everything we need to understand Your Scriptures. Remind us that when we are doing something apart from your presence that it is unfruitful. We want to feast on Your Word and live a life that shows that we have been with Jesus. Give us each day our daily bread as we seek You in Your Word.

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T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

11 Days!

God we cry out like the apostles in Luke 17:5 asking for you to “Increase our faith!” And like the man who doubted we ask for you to help our unbelief! (Mark 9:24) We know you are All-Powerful. You are All-Knowing. You are All-Around us. You are ONLY Good. You are loving and you are kind. Help us to trust you with our entire being and help us to lean not on our own understanding. May our time spent in your Word multiply our faith. Strengthen and empower us Holy Spirit with a bold faith to obey and move with you as we navigate this life you have given us. May we be rooted and grounded in our faith no matter what the circumstances of our lives might be. Help us to know about you and ultimately BELIEVE in who you are and what you have done. Help us to place our confidence in you Jesus and in your Word. Increase our faith, Lord!

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T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

12 Days!

God, You are I Am. You are holy, holy, holy. You are high and lifted up. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. The creatures in heaven never cease to cry out, they proclaim Your Majesty day and night. The elders cast their crowns before Your throne and declare You alone are worthy to receive glory and honor and power. It is by Your unmatched power, wisdom and goodness that we were created, created with the purpose to worship You in everything we do. Let us be full of awe and wonder. Let us tremble before the Great I Am and proclaim Your majesty, holiness, glory, honor and power with all of Heaven never ceasing to worship You. Increase in us the fear of the Lord!

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T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

13 Days!

Lord, help us to love. May we remember that if we don’t have love then we have nothing. Holy Spirit we ask that you empower us to keep your law of love. Help us to love you first and most and from the place of loving you help us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Grow our love through the time we spend in your Word during the course of our study. May the fruit of love be abundantly on display in and through the women of Devoted this year as we seek your face, your will, and your glory.

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T'Naya Edwards T'Naya Edwards

Let the countdown begin!

We are just 14 days away from our kickoff! Join us in prayer everyday leading up to September 9th!

Lord, we are so excited for Devoted Bible Study to kickoff! We ask that you begin to prepare our hearts and minds for all that you have planned for us in the next few months. May we tune into your presence like never before. May your Word satisfy our souls. May we be united to you and to one another through the time we spend in devoted as we dive deep into your Truth. Lord prepare our hearts as we take the time to intentionally enter into prayer over the next couple of weeks. Help us to remember that we were designed for a love relationship with you. We want to know your heart. Show us your glory. May your Kingdom come and your will be done, in Jesus name, power, and authority! 

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