7 Days!

Holy Spirit, we come asking you to work in our minds to bring clarity to any portion of the scriptures that we don’t understand. We ask that you set straight any wrong understanding or beliefs that we may have formed regarding your Word. Romans is a letter written to do that very thing for the people it was written to. We rebuke any lie that may be telling us the book of Romans is hard to grasp and process because we know that you, Holy Spirit, were given to us as a Gift to help us. You counsel us according to your Word. You encourage us with your Word. You teach us and bring understanding of Your Word. We acknowledge that the book of Romans is jam packed with doctrines and instructions that we will have to think deeply about, but we come boldly knowing that we will be prosperous in that work because YOU ARE WITH US. Bring clarity as we study and dive into Your Word so that we may worship you rightly in Spirit and in Truth. 


6 Days!


8 Days!