5 Days!

Jesus, we thank you for justifying us in our standing with The Father. We shout Hallelujah! for the fact that we stand righteous in your sight because of your great sacrifice and the conquering of death at your resurrection. We thank you for making us righteous so we could be restored back into relationship with you. We praise you Jesus for coming and walking among us and being the model human that we are meant to image. You are the standard. You are the way. We thank you that after your ascension your gave us the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and direct us. We acknowledge that while we are declared righteous in your eyes, we still battle our flesh and sinful nature. Cleanse us by your Word as we take the time to learn what is good, beautiful, and true. Help us to crucify the flesh with its passions and desires and die to ourselves daily, confessing our sins to one another that we may be healed. Help us to live by the Spirit and keep in step with you Holy Spirit. Help us to reflect the image of Christ in this dark world so that all who you are drawing to yourself can see and experience your love working through us more clearly. Open our eyes to any sin that we may be participating in and harboring that is keeping us from walking fully in your will. Help us to rejoice always,  pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. Help us to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with you as our captain, Holy Spirit. Sanctify us. Help us to believe that you have began a good work in us and will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus. Amen.


4 Days!


6 Days!