11 Days!
God we cry out like the apostles in Luke 17:5 asking for you to “Increase our faith!” And like the man who doubted we ask for you to help our unbelief! (Mark 9:24) We know you are All-Powerful. You are All-Knowing. You are All-Around us. You are ONLY Good. You are loving and you are kind. Help us to trust you with our entire being and help us to lean not on our own understanding. May our time spent in your Word multiply our faith. Strengthen and empower us Holy Spirit with a bold faith to obey and move with you as we navigate this life you have given us. May we be rooted and grounded in our faith no matter what the circumstances of our lives might be. Help us to know about you and ultimately BELIEVE in who you are and what you have done. Help us to place our confidence in you Jesus and in your Word. Increase our faith, Lord!