memorize god’s word
write Genesis 15:6
And he believed in the Lord , and He accounted it to him for righteousness.
After reading Genesis 15, study Galatians chapter 3. Take special notice of Galatians 3:6 as it relates to Genesis 15:6. Paul wanted to make it clear to the Galatians (among whom there was a push towards a works-based relationship with God) that in fact God saves people by grace through faith alone. It has nothing to do with our own human achievements. It was Abraham’s faith and faith alone that caused God to count him as righteous.
After reading Genesis 15 and Galatians 3, ask yourself these questions:
Are you one who gets caught up in a works-based faith?
Do you fall into the thinking that your actions help justify your righteousness?
Do you understand that obedience is a way our faith is evident to others and ultimately one way we delight in the Lord, and that works is not how you will be counted as righteous?
Have you ever, like many of the Galatians, fallen into this way of thinking? How has the revelation of God counting you as righteous through your faith in Christ alone changed your walk with God and with others? Share below!