Genesis 26

Memory Verse

Write God’s Word

“And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

Ephesians 3:29

Words We Wanna Understand in chapter 26!

Gerar: formerly the abode of the kings of the Philistines, in the time of the patriarchs, subject to king Abimelech. Genesis 20:1, 26:6, also see the valley of Gerar, Genesis 26:17 

Abelmilach: name of several kings in the land of the Philistines, meaning “father king” or “father of the king”

Wells named by Isaac in our text and their meaning: 

Esek or Eseq: contention

Sitnah: strife

Rehoboth: wide places or streets, (enough room to grow)

Shebah: an oath Genesis 26:33

Hittite: descendant of Heth; the nation descended from Heth, the 2nd son of CANAAN (the line of Ham)

Verses to meditate on this week: 

And Isaac _______ in that land and _________ in the same year a _________. The ________ blessed him, and the man became _______and gained more and more until he became very wealthy.  Genesis 26:12-13

Ask yourself these questions:

What did Isaac do? 

What did he receive?

How or by whom did he receive?

Now Read: Job 1:21, Matthew 7:11b, Malachi 3:10-11

What do these verses say to you? First about the goodness of the Lord, and second about your own life. Take some time and thank God for EVERYTHING that you have. Physical blessings, emotional consolation, and most importantly take spiritual inventory of the blessings and the lacking’s you need to ask of God for. Wouldn’t you love to reap and sow hundredfold in your prayer life, study life and spiritual discipline’s? Show up, put in the work and watch God bless your spiritual walk!