Genesis 10

Memorize God’s Word

Write: Joshua 1:8

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Nations descended from Noah’s sons spread out over the earth. (Note: Genesis 9 and 10 show the origin of the world’s nations. Genesis 11 shows why and how they were scattered.)

As you read look over the map below and see how the people were dispersed.

In addition to your questions from your study book answer the following…

  1. What qualities of Nimrod are highly celebrated in today’s cultures? What do the cities associated with Nimrod tell you about how he used his power? (Use any cross-references or other references.)

  2. What are you growing to appreciate in both the commonalities and differences among the nations represented by your family, those around you and in the world? (See Acts 17:26-27 and Revelation 7:9-12.)

  3. How does the knowledge that all of MANKIND or the HUMAN “RACE” coming from Adam then later Noah, change your mind about “race”?

  4. Meditate on this week’s memory verse. Why is it important to meditate on the entire word of God(Joshua would have considered “the law” to be the Torah, the first five books, but now we would be mindful to consider ALL of scripture to be God’s “law” in our life).

  5. What kind of prosperity and success do you think it refers to?

  6. Take some time and PRAISE GOD for the diversity and complexities of all the different people who reflect His Image in this World and for His Word!
