Genesis 6:1-4

Memory Verse

write God’s Word

In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God.

Genesis 5:1b

Don’t panic, we know today’s verses are definitely ones that can make even the most seasoned Bible enthusiast scratch her head. With all the talk of the sons of God, and the daughters of men. Not to mention, giants aka Nephilim, yikes! Though the questions in our book don’t probe too far into the meanings of these puzzling phrases, we do believe they are so very important. So if you are feeling uncertain about these verses we want you to know so are we! 

Major disagreements surround each of these verses. Digging deep and studying these verses in the original Hebrew doesn’t even clear the air completely. So, what’s a girl to do? 

  1. Pray. Ask God to help you to understand what He has for you personally. Then ask Him to help you to be at peace with some of the mystery behind these verses. 

  2. Accept that some things in the Word of God are a beautiful mystery. We may not always come to a strong conclusion of what certain phrases and verses are alluding to. And guess what?! IT’S OK. 

  3. Study and dig, and study and dig some more. God’s Word never returns void. (Isaiah 55:11) “ALL (yes even the verses we are unsure of) Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16) We shouldn’t avoid verses just because there are some unknown phrases in them. 

    1. Ask yourself right now, when you read Genesis 6:1-4 is there anything that you can take away from these verses? We bet there is!

  4. Come to a conclusion about what you think these verses mean. Could you be wrong? Yep. But that’s what Bible discussion is about. Coming together to talk about what we have observed in Scripture and talking about it with excitement and awe. 

  5. Most importantly when you come to small group discussion DON’T be offended if someone has a different view from you. Respect everyone and remember, the Holy Spirit is great at correcting His people! 


Father, You are incomprehensible! You are God! Secret things belong to You and the things You reveal to Your children are a beautiful treasure. God we ask that You pour out Your Knowledge and Wisdom over Your daughters! God may she come to Your Word faithfully. May she come when she understands and may she come when she  doesn't quite get it. God may she come because Your Word is life. It is bread and water for her  hungry and thirsty soul. Let it be about meeting You and knowing You. Not about her own understanding. Give each lady reading this an undying love for Your Word. Light in her fire, a desire to spend hours on verses she doesn’t yet understand. Give her a desire to commune with You in prayer and fellowship daily. Give her the confidence to discuss hard verses with her sisters in Christ. Thank you for giving us Your Word. Thank you for this study. Let your fruit abound! In Jesus Name. Amen!