Hang in there for this week’s lesson! There is a lot going on!
Angie will be giving us some resources to dig into on the page after the teaching time next week, if you feel called to go further!

This week we walk through Matthew 23, 24, & 25!

Remember to challenge yourself to read through the entire text FIRST before starting your homework and then again as many times as you can after that throughout the week…maybe instead of a scroll through instagram. ;)

Text “devoted” and “devotedmatthew” to the number 68878 to receive the weekly announcements, praise songs for the upcoming meeting, and links to the previous teachings and answer guides.

This week’s HEAD-HEART-HANDS section is focused around #26 in our workbook take some time to read the corresponding verses, answer the question and reflect on what you wrote. 
My challenge for you this week is to really, really spend some time in prayer over the questions you have. I also want to encourage everyone to answer each question in your homework, even if you think you might be wrong. JUST SHOW UP! It’s ok to not know the answers but it’s not ok to give up! The Holy Spirit is our teacher, cozy up with Him  and ask Him for help…and don’t forget you were created to do hard things! 

If you are next up for testimony time in small group, come ready to share how God moved in your heart regarding this section and share the action you took from the “hands” portion below.

HEAD (memory verse):
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭35‬ ‭ESV‬‬
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” 

To have faith is to trust, to believe that God’s ways are higher than our ways. When we look around at the chaos of our world and the injustice all around us it can unnerve us. We say things like “I can’t believe the world we live in.” And “I”m afraid of what it will be like for my children, if it’s this bad now.” We can get so caught up on what is happening around us that we forget that we serve a perfect God with a perfect plan. Isaiah 54:10 says  “For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.” 

HEART (prayer focus):
Confess and repent. What things have you been fretting over? Maybe it’s the state of our world or maybe it’s something happening in your day to day life. Confess your fear, confess your anxieties and ask the Holy Spirit to change your way of thinking. After you spend time in confession and repentance enter into thanksgiving and praise. The promises of Jesus will never pass away! Hallelujah! The steadfast, firm, unwavering love and the perfect peace of the Lord shall not be removed from His people! Then ask the Holy Spirit to provide and supply what you need to move forward in confidence, we are no longer slaves to sin, death and fear, we are children of God! Go forth and live it! 

HANDS (word in action):
Think of one person—I can think of many right now as I’m writing this—that is struggling with fear. Reach out to them. If they are not a believer, share the good news with them. Tell them that Jesus conquered hell, death and the grave and they don’t have to live afraid! If you know a believer who is living in fear, remind them of the promises of God! I promise if you pay attention to the conversations happening around you there will be an opportunity to speak the truth! Be the light and make a difference this week! 

Recorded teachings and answer guides are accessible after the in-person meeting for this week’s lesson.