Unity & Perseverance

This week and in your small group time pray over these specific items regarding the theme of unity within the local church and perseverance for the churches under heavy persecution. Don’t limit yourself to this, it is just a guide and suggestion.

  • Pray for the local(your own and each local church across the world) church and ask for the same sort of unity we see here in Acts.

  • Pray for strength, peace, courage, perseverance, for the churches facing persecution. (think Afghanistan right now and any others also facing the same persecution for simply believing in Jesus.)

  • Pray for revival for the global church to rise up and share the gospel like never before.


God, I cry out out to you and ask, Lord, for unity within my local church. Show me how I can better love my neighbor and give as you lead to help those in need around me to share your love. Show me my brothers and sisters who need my help, whether it be physically, financially, or emotionally. May we lock arms in our mission to take the gospel to every tribe, nation, and tongue so that others may know you. God I pray for our brothers and sisters that are facing persecution across the globe. Let them feel your presence in the midst of chaos. Give them courage to stand strong in their faith and not back down in the face of fear. God we ask that you pour out your peace over them as they continue to share their hope they have in you. Holy Spirit we ask that stir in each and every believer a heart of revival to see your gosepl shared like never before, as we wait for you and worship you Jesus until you return.

Reach out to a small group member who has missed recently and let them know they are missed!
Choose one small group member to bless this week, whether through a special coffee delivery or even just a word of encouragement, and pray for them intentionally all week!

Thank you to Tracy and Shirley’s group for providing us with our monthly refreshments for our week 4 meeting!

Reminder: Mendy’s small group is up next to provide refreshments on November 1.

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This week’s episode is “ACTS Week Five”
Sorry this lesson was long! I will do better to stay in my time frame the next time I teach :) -T

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