We had a great first “full meeting” last night!
We are praying the room is just as full in our last meeting as it was last night! Stay the course!
Remember to challenge yourself to read through the entire text FIRST before starting your homework and then again as many times as you can after that throughout the week…maybe instead of a scroll through instagram. ;)
Text “devoted” and “devotedmatthew” to the number 68878 to receive the weekly announcements, praise songs for the upcoming meeting, and links to the previous teachings and answer guides.
This week’s HEAD-HEART-HANDS section is focused around #12 in our workbook, which is centered around the question “who is Jesus?”
If you are next up for testimony time in small group, come ready to share how God moved in your heart regarding this section and share the action you took from the “hands” portion below.
HEAD (memory verse):
“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
Colossians 1:15-17 ESV
These verses describe the unmatched supremacy of Jesus. He IS the King of kings and Lord of lords. Jesus is the Author of all Creation, even of the unseen spiritual realm, Jesus is the personal Sustainer of ALL creation. Throughout our time in Matthew we have become very familiar with Emmanuel, God with us. Jesus is the Creator of everyone and everything AND He came to earth to redeem His very Creation.
HEART (prayer focus):
This week’s focus will take some self reflection. The question this week asked what incomplete description do modern day people use to answer the question, “who is Jesus?”
Take some time and reflect over what you wrote for part one of question 12.
In light of Colossians 1:15-17 and what you’ve learned through your relationship with Jesus, how are these misattributions harmful to the testimony of the gospel?
Now look at part 2 of the question.
How does your life (the choices you make with your time and money, the words you choose, the places you go) indicate that Jesus is nothing less than “the Christ, the Son of the Living God”? Are your choices helpful or harmful to the testimony of the gospel?
Using this acronym APTAT (borrowed from John Piper, thanks John!) sit and reflect. Then hash it all out. T’Naya taught last lesson about living in perpetual repentance, walking through these steps is a great way to exercise what she taught us!
Admit: Admit and confess any wrong thinking you have or even a specific time where you failed to defend the truth about who Jesus is.
Pray: Take time and talk to God about your choices, your misunderstandings, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you new truth about “the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”
Trust: When we pray for spiritual growth, knowledge and wisdom God desires to pour out in abundance (think back to our focus last week). Trust that He will provide and answer your prayers with a joyful heart. (Ephesians 1:16-19, James 1:5)
Act: See the hand’s portion below
Thanks: Praise the Lord for revealing Himself to you and for the future work and growth He will do. Note the positive ways you’ve honored King Jesus too! Take some time to reflect and praise Him for where you were and where you are now!
HANDS (word in action):
Take the confessions you made and repent.
Repent: to turn and go the other direction.
If you confessed that you haven’t honored the King of kings with your tithe and offering, repent and move into action. Make this the first week (or day, don’t wait!) that you say yes to the Creator in obedience with your money.
If you confessed that you are convicted to give up a form of entertainment to offer God more time in the Word and prayer or in service to others, repent and move into action. Cancel the Netflix or delete your social media account and show up!
Maybe it’s stepping into a calling God has called you to but you’re too busy, or afraid…whatever it is don’t ignore it. Put your HEAD and Your HEART to action (HANDS). Let what you do be a reflection of “who you say Jesus is”. Jump out of the boat onto the water and keep your eyes on Jesus. (And if you sink, remember He’ll be right there).